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    service quality 結果共10筆

  • Legislators call for hold on Taiwan Railway fare increase

    Explore the ongoing debate over Taiwan Railway fare adjustments after 29 years, highlighting concerns over regional fairness, service quality, and the need for comprehensive analysis before implementing changes.
    2024/05/07 15:01
  • Yannick cake chain to shut 6 stores amid market shake-up

    Yannick, the pioneer of Taiwan’s cream roll cake, is set to close six stores nationwide as part of its 2024 strategy adjustment due to labor shortages and high raw material costs. Despite this, Yannick Chairman Wu Tsung-en remains optimistic about the company’s operations and plans to launch 30 additional Yannick To Go Machine (YTM) cake vending machines. Founded in 2000, Yannick is known for being the first cake shop to specialize in slice cakes and later introduce the cream roll cake.
    2024/02/27 13:48
  • Dine on a new career: Din Tai Fung offers high-paying jobs

    Renowned restaurant Din Tai Fung and the Taipei City Government are partnering for a massive recruitment event, offering 150 vacancies with salaries up to NT$57,000. The job fair will take place on Feb. 24 at the Taipei Youth Salon. Over 90% of the positions are open to applicants without prior work experience, as part of Din Tai Fung’s efforts to invest in talent recruitment, salary welfare, and training. The available positions include catering service specialists, cashiers, restaurant tidying staff, pastry apprentices, chefs, dish quality inspectors, dishwashers, and in-store timing staff. Part-time workers can earn up to NT$240 an hour on weekends. Salaries start at NT$48,000 for waitstaff, with the potential to reach NT$55,000 after assessments. Chefs have the opportunity to make up to NT$57,000. The average monthly salary from previous recruitment drives with Din Tai Fung is NT$40,000, and many companies have increased salaries due to labor shortages caused by the pandemic. The catering industry has seen a rising salary trend, with Din Tai Fung increasing salaries by 3% to 6% in 2023, totaling a 16% increase over three years. This recruitment drive is open to talents in Taipei, New Taipei, Hsinchu, Taichung, and Kaohsiung.
    2024/02/15 13:51
  • Taipei Songshan Airport taxis bring back NT$50 parking fee

    Starting Jan. 1, 2024, taxis from the Taipei Songshan Airport will charge a $50 stay service fee, aligning with fees at Taoyuan and Kaohsiung airports. This decision, made following evaluations by the taxi fare review committees of Taipei and New Taipei cities, aims to address rigorous competition and rising operational costs in the industry. Passengers traveling through the airport, also known as Taipei International Airport, should take note of the new transportation cost changes, especially during peak travel periods such as New Year’s Day, the Lunar New Year, and the 228 holidays. The airport authorities have urged scheduled taxi operators to provide quality service and inform passengers about the fee change through verbal explanations and in-vehicle signs. Additionally, the airport offers free parking for the first 30 minutes, providing some relief for those being dropped off by family members.
    2023/12/25 19:11
  • DPP’s Lai promises High Speed Rail, expressways for Pingtung

    Lai Ching-te, the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) Presidential candidate, announced at a rally in Pingtung his plans to construct a Taiwan High-Speed Rail line and two expressways in the area. Lai aims to balance Taiwan’s national development projects and bring more support and assistance to Pingtung, transforming it into a "beautiful new homeland." His promises include extending the high-speed rail to Chaozhou Township, reducing travel time from Taipei to less than two hours. Lai also intends to attract high-tech industries, introduce agricultural technology, and enhance the export competitiveness of local farm produce. Additionally, he plans to uplift tourism service quality in Pingtung, transforming Kenting into a destination similar to Bali and developing Dapeng Bay into a Hawaii-like getaway. Lai emphasized Pingtung’s importance in the implementation of the New Southbound Policy, highlighting its potential contribution to Taiwan’s development in collaboration with other southern counties and cities. He credited his past contributions to Pingtung’s development, such as the Pingtung Veterans General Hospital, to the efforts of former Pingtung County Commissioner Pan Men-an, current commissioner Chou Chun-mi, and legislators. Lai seeks local residents’ support to make Pingtung glorious again.
    2023/12/22 11:00
  • Tsai Ing-wen honors excellence in architecture and business

    President Tsai Ing-wen hosted the winners of the 25th National Golden Award for Architecture and the 20th National Brand Yushan Award, commending their contributions to Taiwan’s architectural and business communities. She expressed gratitude towards the National Enterprise Competitiveness Development Association for their rigorous evaluations that have motivated industry advancement and boosted Taiwan’s competitiveness. Tsai emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts in construction and building to achieve energy conservation and reduced carbon emissions. She also addressed concerns about urban renewal and pledged to intensify collaboration with private sector players to enhance architectural safety and improve citizens’ quality of life. The winners of the 20th National Brand Yushan Award, which includes CSBC Corporation, were recognized for their contributions to finance, biotech, manufacturing, and service sectors. Tsai urged the awardees to continue offering valuable advice to the government and elevate the prominence of Taiwanese brands on the international stage.
    2023/12/12 21:42
  • TRA eyes punctuality boost with 2024 corporatization

    Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) is set to undergo corporatization on January 1, 2024, with the aim of improving punctuality and reducing delays. The agency believes that this transformation, along with the introduction of new trains next year, will enhance its competitiveness in the transport market. The Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) has experienced increased passenger numbers recently, leading to capacity shortages and overcrowding in non-reserved seating. Concerns have been raised about the decline in THSR service quality, with some referring to it as "high-speed rail becoming like local trains." Under the new Taiwan Railways Corporation, TRA plans to offer services on the eastern main line and support the western short-to-medium-haul network, creating a cooperative yet competitive relationship with THSR. TRA aims to enhance the passenger experience by updating ticket gates and passenger information systems across all railway stations in Taiwan over the next three years. To address the capacity issue, TRA plans to provide shuttle services at Changhua Station and improve inter-rail transfer services. The establishment of the TRA corporation aims to clarify its market positioning, including strengthening intercity transport service between the eastern and western main lines and improving regional commuting transport on the western line. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) has established a debt repayment fund to address TRA’s short-term debt of around NT$170 billion, with the goal of making TRA debt-free by 2025 and profitable by 2028. Post-corporatization, TRA plans to increase revenue and optimize asset management through flexible approaches such as joint development initiatives and land rights establishment.
    2023/12/12 17:03
  • TRA grilled on restroom cleanliness despite efforts

    The Legislative Yuan’s Transportation Committee discussed the 2024 budget and addressed the poor cleanliness of Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) restrooms. Despite efforts to improve, the TRA’s restrooms were ranked poorly by the Ministry of Environment. TRA Director-General Tu Wei acknowledged the issue and mentioned that local government oversight had led to improvements in most of the restrooms. However, some facilities still require further enhancements. Legislator Lin Chun-hsien criticized the TRA for ineffective use of funds, particularly in outsourcing cleaning services. Lin proposed freezing a portion of the TRA’s budget until they present a written report on restroom improvement plans. The committee resolved to freeze 10% of the TRA’s budget to ensure accountability and push for better facility maintenance and service quality.
    2023/12/04 15:16
  • Ministry of Labor to introduce Indian migrant workers

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Labor (MOL) plans to introduce Indian migrant workers to address labor shortages. The initiative will adhere to domestic regulations and is not an immediate importation of 100,000 workers. The MOL will negotiate a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on labor service cooperation with India to ensure quality workers without disrupting social stability. Several countries have had positive experiences importing Indian labor, and currently, around 2,700 Indian laborers work in Taiwan. Taiwan’s economic and trade relationships with India are strong, making labor cooperation a priority. After signing the MOU, discussions on industrial quotas will occur. The MOL will rigorously assess qualification criteria such as language skills, professional abilities, educational background, and good behavior. The aim is for the introduction of migrant workers to contribute positively to Taiwan’s economic and societal development.
    2023/11/19 16:37
  • 國門之光! ACI服務2016評比 桃機雙料冠軍

    機場,作為國家的大門,更肩負著「擦亮國家招牌」的重責大任。曾獲Skytrax全球最佳機場服務人員大獎的桃園國際機場,現又再獲得國際級榮譽!國際機場協會(Airports Council International,ACI)公布2016年機場服務品質調查評比(Airport Service Quality,ASQ)結果,臺灣桃園國際機場首次榮獲「運量級距」,和「亞太區運量級距」兩項類別雙料冠軍。
    2017/03/07 14:00
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